Benjamin Wand - Verbose CV

Making friends with CSS

Since March 2020

Responsive with less media queries

Until spring 2020 I considered CSS to be a necessary evil, and then I saw a video about writing responsive webpages with less media queries (by Jonas Hellwig / Kulturbanause), and I started to find it increasingly interesting wrapping my mind around things to do with CSS.
One year later I stumbled upon a video about the history of CSS (use), by Jen Simmons ('Everything You Know About Web Design Just Changed'), which made me see that it is not me who changed or that it is a coincidence that I ran into more beautiful CSS writing, but CSS actually has gotten better and far less frustrating then in the past.

Yes, I'd be interested to work in that field.

List of bliss

In no particular order, I’ll add more links as they come to my mind.

Text last updated: May 10th, 2021