Benjamin Wand - Verbose CV

Tiny go games

February 2021

February 2021 a friend wanted to play games with me and I suggested playing go. His birthday was comming up and since he was a beginner and I didn't play go in over ten years, I made him a game with 9x9 and 13x13 fields for his birthday.
I used drawing pins as stones to keep the game tiny and so that his cats can't ruin the game.

Printing the pattern onto the surface

One technique I used for the first time during this project was printing an image onto the side of the printed part that sits on the print bed. One prints the image at one layer height and leaves it on the print bed while printing the actual object onto it. I've documented it in the video below.

Technical difficulties

When printing the go board in one piece I experienced problems with warping. I ended up using adhesives and printed both sides separately and glued them together.

More models

After wrapping the gift I had further ideas and wrote two more files, where the boards have drawers for the stones, one of which is supposed to be printed in one piece and the other is specifically designed to be glued together, see the image below.
19x19 games are being programmed too.

grey 3d printed go game with drawers

Text last updated: March 3rd 2021